Purple Fire

This story is happening in a small town where people were quite happy. The quiet life of the inhabitants led to the appearance of a pink flame, mostly around them. The pink flame represented their happiness and satisfaction. For example:

If a little girl gets a favorite toy from her parents, a pink flame would appear above her head and last until the girl’s excitement disappears. The pink flame was peaceful and harmless. You could see it everywhere. You could see it above the head of an old lady to whom her favorite grandson came in a visit. A pink flame appeared over mother heard the first words from her baby’s mouth, and above her head was the biggest pink flame ever.

But sometimes on the streets of this city, a yellow flame would emerge that represented the sadness of people. The little boy lost his kite. As soon as they saw a yellow flame, passersby rushed to help the boy.

An elderly man heard barking. He approached the garbage container and saw the kite in it. A poor kite accidentally fell in and couldn’t get out. The man took the kite in his own hands.

“You scared your owner,” The man said and cuddled the furry ball.

“Look who I found,” the man shouted.

When the boy saw his kite, a big smile appeared on his face. But, over his head, the yellow flame turned into pink.